Vindictive laughter, slinking through corridors
Whose neck's on the block today?
Who's feeling the sell out claws?
You're one in a million, but your number is up
A mongoose in the snake pit
Not so tough at the top

Take the money, keep your mouth shut
Think yourself lucky, take the hint and run for your life

The times of anguish, it's knife in the back time
Whose head's for the chop today?
Who's holding the purse strings tied?
Time for a shake up, the wheat and the chaff
Licking lips and wide eyed gaze
Make way for the crash

Take the money, keep your mouth shut
Think yourself lucky, take the hint and run for your life

Dance to the tune of the manic market mayhem
Stand in the firing-line and make your last request
Take your place in the hall of the one armed bandits
All for one and one for all? No way!

Boom and bust time, transactions in fool's gold
Who's scotched on the rocks today?
Whose throat's in a strangle hold? 
Tied and anchored, until the tide finally turns
A rocky boat in shit creek
No more lessons to learn

Take the money, keep your mouth shut
Think yourself lucky, take the hint and run for your life

'Take the Money' lyrics and graphic design by Sharky.

Sweet Illusions                    The Right Step